1 minute read

BioNumerics is sunsetting in December 2024. This is an issue especially in the PulseNet community where the network relies on this software to do many things including genome assembly, molecular typing, and MLST.

Although these aren’t recommendations from CDC, I wanted to list some viable alternatives.


software or site Workflow language Containerization Execution backend notes
Terra.bio WDL Docker Google SARS-CoV-2 protocols, terra.bio documentation
Bactopia Nextflow Conda, Docker, or Singularity local, HPC, Azure, AWS, GCP, more documentation
StaPH-B Toolkit Nextflow Docker or Singularity local, HPC, Azure, AWS, GCP, more documentation
GalaxyTrakr Galaxy Galaxy environments FDA cloud Documentation
IRIDA Galaxy Galaxy environments PHAC cloud Documentation
EDGE Unsure EDGE modules local or on their website documentation
Easy Genomics        


Usually, a person just wants to replace one analysis such as genome assembly and so here are some options.

analysis BioNumerics software alternative
Genome assembly (Illumina) SPAdes Shovill with SPAdes
Genome assembly (ONT) unsure Dragonflye
Serotyping (Salmonella) SeqSero2 SeqSero2, SISTR
Genotyping bespoke ReMatCh, Abricate, SRST2
7-gene MLST bespoke Usually mlst but this is a more comprehensive comparison manuscript
cg/wgMLST bespoke ChewBBACA, ColorID, EToKi. See also my detailed usage post.
SNP bespoke Lyve-SET, CFSAN SNP-Pipeline, SNVPhyl. See also our comparison between SNP pipelines.
Quality Assurance/Quality Checks (QA/QC) Bespoke FastQC
Contamination detection Bespoke Kraken, MIDAS
Virulence finder Bespoke ResFinder, AMRFinderPlus
Gene prediction and annotation Bespoke Prokka, Bakta
Genome alignment Bespoke Harvest
Gene alignment Bespoke MEGA
Phylogeny Bespoke MEGA (for small alignments), Harvest (for whole genomes)

Many, many more tools can be found in this 2018 paper.


Thanks to those who contributed ideas to this post individually. Thanks also to Joao et al 2018.