Crate fasten_sort

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Sort a fastq file. If the reads are paired end, then the sorted field concatenates R1 and R2 before comparisons in the sort. R1 and R2 reads will stay together if paired end.

Sorting by GC content will give better compression by magic of gzip and other algorithms.

Sorting can also aid in stable hashsums.


stable hashsum

cat file.fastq | fasten_sort | md5sum > file.fastq.md5

better compression by sorting by GC content

zcat file.fastq.gz | fasten_sort --sort-by GC | gzip -c > smaller.fastq.gz
## get good compression from paired end reads
zcat R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz | fasten_shuffle | \
  fasten_sort --paired-end --sort-by GC | \
  fasten_shuffle -d -1 sorted_1.fastq -2 sorted_2.fastq && \
  gzip -v sorted_1.fastq sorted_2.fastq

Compare compression between unsorted and sorted from the previous example

ls -lh sorted_1.fastq.gz sorted_2.fastq.gz


Usage: fasten_sort [-h] [-n INT] [-p] [-v] [-s STRING] [-r]

    -h, --help          Print this help menu.
    -n, --numcpus INT   Number of CPUs (default: 1)
    -p, --paired-end    The input reads are interleaved paired-end
    -v, --verbose       Print more status messages
    -s, --sort-by STRING
                        Sort by either SEQ, GC, or ID. If GC, then the entries
                        are sorted by GC percentage. SEQ and ID are
                        alphabetically sorted.
    -r, --reverse       Reverse sort


  • Seq 🔒
    A sequence struct that is paired-end aware
