Crate fasten_validate
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Validates your reads and makes you feel good about yourself!
§Quick validation with stderr message
cat file.fastq | fasten_validate --verbose
§Validate that your reads are paired end
cat R1.fastq R2.fastq | fasten_shuffle | fasten_validate --paired-end
Large-scale validation of PE reads with 4 CPUs and xargs
\ls *_1.fastq.gz | xargs -n 1 -P 4 bash -c '
echo -n "." >&2 # progress bar
zcat $R1 $R2 | fasten_shuffle | fasten_validate --paired-end
Usage: fasten_validate [-h] [-n INT] [-p] [-v] [--min-length INT] [--min-quality FLOAT] [--paired-end] [--print-reads] [-v]
-h, --help Print this help menu.
-n, --numcpus INT Number of CPUs (default: 1)
-p, --paired-end The input reads are interleaved paired-end
-v, --verbose Print more status messages
--min-length INT
Minimum read length allowed
--min-quality FLOAT
Minimum quality allowed
--paired-end The reads are interleaved paired-end
--print-reads Print the reads as they are being validated (useful
for unix pipes)
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