We can make this beautiful and searchable
You might have seen this message on GitHub for a tab separated file.
We can make this file
beautiful and searchable
if this error is corrected
It’s warning you that you don’t have an equal number of tabs, and then it offers you more information without telling yout to fix it! Ugh.
Step by step
Here is how I solved it with perl.
cat $TSV | perl -F'\t' -lane 'print(scalar(@F))' | sort | uniq
Ok so the most columns I have is 12 and I’ll use this next one liner to add in columns until I get to 12 on each row.
cat $TSV | \
perl -F'\t' -lane '
# while there are fewer than 12 elements, add an empty string element
while(@F < 12){
# print the elements separated by \t
print join("\t", @F);
' > tmp.tsv && \
mv -v tmp.tsv $TSV
indicates that it will separate the fields by tab-lane
indicates that newlines will be printed after each print statement-a
read the input line by line-n
separate the fields into@F
execute perl code
> tmp.tsv && mv -v tmp.tsv $TSV
only replace the file if the code executed successfully, usingmv
I wanted to do this with the whole folder and so here is my bash loop with perl
for i in *.tsv; do tabs=$(cat $i | perl -F'\t' -lane 'print(scalar(@F))' | sort | uniq | sort -nr | head -n 1); cat $i | perl -F'\t' -lane 'while(@F < '$tabs'){push(@F,"");} print join("\t", @F);' > tmp.tsv && mv -v tmp.tsv $i; done;
And now it’s beautiful and searchable!