extern crate getopts;
extern crate fasten;
extern crate regex;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::io::BufRead;
use regex::Regex;
use fasten::fasten_base_options;
use fasten::fasten_base_options_matches;
use fasten::logmsg;
fn main(){
let mut opts = fasten_base_options();
opts.optopt("f","find","Regular expression (default: '.')","STRING");
opts.optopt("r","replace","String to replace each match","STRING");
opts.optopt("w","which","Which field to match on? ID, SEQ, QUAL. Default: SEQ","STRING");
let matches = fasten_base_options_matches("Streaming editor for fastq data using a find/replace.", opts);
if matches.opt_present("paired-end") {
logmsg("WARNING: --paired-end is not utilized in this script");
let which_field={
if matches.opt_present("which") {
matches.opt_str("which").expect("ERROR parsing --which")
} else {
let find_param={
if matches.opt_present("find") {
.expect("ERROR: could not parse find parameter")
} else {
let find_regex = Regex::new(&find_param)
.expect("malformed seq regex given by --find");
let replace :String = {
if matches.opt_present("replace") {
.expect("ERROR: could not parse --replace parameter")
} else {
let replace_str :&str = replace.as_str();
let my_file = File::open("/dev/stdin").expect("Could not open file");
let my_buffer=BufReader::new(my_file);
let mut buffer_iter = my_buffer.lines();
while let Some(line) = buffer_iter.next() {
let mut id = line.expect("ERROR reading the ID line");
let mut seq = buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a sequence line")
.expect("ERROR reading a sequence line");
buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a plus line")
.expect("ERROR reading the plus line");
let mut qual= buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a qual line")
.expect("ERROR reading a qual line");
if &which_field == "SEQ" {
seq = find_regex.replace_all(&seq, replace_str).into_owned();
} else if &which_field == "QUAL" {
qual = find_regex.replace_all(&qual, replace_str).into_owned();
} else if &which_field == "ID" {
id = find_regex.replace_all(&id, replace_str).into_owned();
} else {
panic!("Not implemented for --which: {}", which_field);