extern crate getopts;
extern crate fasten;
extern crate regex;
extern crate threadpool;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::io::BufRead;
use fasten::fasten_base_options;
use fasten::fasten_base_options_matches;
fn test_sort_fastq_basic () {
let is_paired_end = false;
let which_field = "ID";
let my_file = File::open("testdata/four_reads.fastq").expect("Could not open file");
let my_buffer=BufReader::new(my_file);
let mut buffer_iter = my_buffer.lines();
let mut entries:Vec<Seq> = vec![];
while let Some(line) = buffer_iter.next() {
let id1 = line.expect("ERROR reading the ID line");
let seq1 = buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a sequence line")
.expect("ERROR reading a sequence line");
buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a plus line")
.expect("ERROR reading the plus line");
let qual1= buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a qual line")
.expect("ERROR reading a qual line");
let mut id2 =String::new();
let mut seq2 =String::new();
let mut qual2 =String::new();
if is_paired_end {
id2 = buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading the ID line")
.expect("ERROR reading the ID line");
seq2 = buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a sequence line")
.expect("ERROR reading a sequence line");
buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a plus line")
.expect("ERROR reading the plus line");
qual2= buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a qual line")
.expect("ERROR reading a qual line");
let entry:Seq = Seq {
pe: is_paired_end,
id1: id1,
seq1: seq1,
qual1: qual1,
minimizer1: String::new(),
id2: id2,
seq2: seq2,
qual2: qual2,
minimizer2: String::new()
let sorted_entries:Vec<Seq> = sort_entries(entries.clone(), &which_field, false);
for i in 0..4 {
let expected = format!("@read{}",i);
assert_eq!(sorted_entries[i].id1, expected, "Sort by ID");
let reverse_sorted_entries:Vec<Seq> = sort_entries(entries.clone(), &which_field, true);
for i in 0..4 {
let expected = format!("@read{}",i);
let idx = 3 - i;
assert_eq!(reverse_sorted_entries[idx].id1, expected, "Reverse sort by ID. Full list is {:?}", reverse_sorted_entries);
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Seq {
pe: bool,
id1: String,
seq1: String,
qual1: String,
minimizer1: String,
id2: String,
seq2: String,
qual2: String,
minimizer2: String,
fn main(){
let mut opts = fasten_base_options();
opts.optopt("s","sort-by","Sort by either SEQ, MINIMIZER, GC, or ID. If GC, then the entries are sorted by GC percentage. SEQ and ID are alphabetically sorted.","STRING");
opts.optopt("k", "kmer-length", "Length of kmer if using minimizers", "STRING");
opts.optflag("r","reverse","Reverse sort");
opts.optopt("c", "chunk-size", "If > 0, then chunks of reads or pairs will be sorted instead of the whole set. This is useful for streaming large files. Default: 0", "INT");
let matches = fasten_base_options_matches("Sort reads. This can be useful for many things including checksums and reducing gzip file sizes. Remember to use --paired-end if applicable.", opts);
let my_file = File::open("/dev/stdin").expect("Could not open file");
let my_buffer=BufReader::new(my_file);
let is_paired_end=matches.opt_present("paired-end");
let reverse_sort =matches.opt_present("reverse");
let which_field:String={
if matches.opt_present("sort-by") {
matches.opt_str("sort-by").expect("ERROR parsing --sort-by")
} else {
let _num_cpus:usize = {
if matches.opt_present("numcpus") {
matches.opt_str("numcpus").expect("ERROR parsing --numcpus")
.expect("ERROR: numcpus is not an integer")
} else {
let k: usize = matches.opt_get_default("kmer-length", 21).expect("ERROR parsing --kmer-length");
let chunk_size: usize = matches.opt_get_default("chunk-size", 0).expect("ERROR parsing --chunk-size");
let mut buffer_iter = my_buffer.lines();
let mut entries:Vec<Seq> = vec![];
while let Some(line) = buffer_iter.next() {
let id1 = line.expect("ERROR reading the ID line");
let seq1 = buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a sequence line")
.expect("ERROR reading a sequence line");
buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a plus line")
.expect("ERROR reading the plus line");
let qual1= buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a qual line")
.expect("ERROR reading a qual line");
let mut id2 =String::new();
let mut seq2 =String::new();
let mut qual2 =String::new();
if is_paired_end {
id2 = buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading the ID line")
.expect("ERROR reading the ID line");
seq2 = buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a sequence line")
.expect("ERROR reading a sequence line");
buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a plus line")
.expect("ERROR reading the plus line");
qual2= buffer_iter.next().expect("ERROR reading a qual line")
.expect("ERROR reading a qual line");
let mut minimizer1 = String::new();
let mut minimizer2 = String::new();
if which_field == "MINIMIZER" {
minimizer1 = minimizer(&seq1, k);
minimizer2 = minimizer(&seq2, k);
let entry:Seq = Seq {
pe: is_paired_end,
id1: id1, seq1: seq1,
qual1: qual1,
minimizer1: minimizer1,
id2: id2,
seq2: seq2,
qual2: qual2,
minimizer2: minimizer2
if chunk_size > 0 && entries.len() == chunk_size {
let sorted_entries:Vec<Seq> = sort_entries(entries, &which_field, reverse_sort);
for entry in sorted_entries {
println!("{}\n{}\n+\n{}", entry.id1, entry.seq1, entry.qual1);
if entry.pe {
println!("{}\n{}\n+\n{}", entry.id2, entry.seq2, entry.qual2);
entries = vec![];
if chunk_size == 0 {
let sorted_entries:Vec<Seq> = sort_entries(entries, &which_field, reverse_sort);
for entry in sorted_entries {
println!("{}\n{}\n+\n{}", entry.id1, entry.seq1, entry.qual1);
if entry.pe {
println!("{}\n{}\n+\n{}", entry.id2, entry.seq2, entry.qual2);
fn minimizer (sequence:&str, k: usize) -> String {
if sequence.len() < k {
return sequence.to_string();
let mut min = "z".repeat(k);
for i in 0..sequence.len()-k {
let kmer = &sequence[i..i+k];
if kmer < &min {
min = kmer.to_string();
return min;
fn sort_entries (unsorted:Vec<Seq>, which_field:&str, reverse_sort:bool) -> Vec<Seq> {
let mut sorted = unsorted.clone();
match which_field{
"ID" => {
sorted.sort_by(|a, b| {
if a.id1 != b.id1 {
} else {
"SEQ" => {
sorted.sort_by(|a, b| {
if a.seq1 != b.seq1 {
} else {
"GC" => {
sorted.sort_by(|a,b| {
let a_seq = format!("{}{}", a.seq1, a.seq2);
let b_seq = format!("{}{}", b.seq1, b.seq2);
let a_gc:f32 = a_seq.matches(&['G','g','C','c']).count() as f32 / a_seq.len() as f32;
let b_gc:f32 = b_seq.matches(&['G','g','C','c']).count() as f32 / b_seq.len() as f32;
sorted.sort_by(|a,b| {
if a.minimizer1 != b.minimizer1 {
else if a.minimizer2 != b.minimizer2 {
else if a.seq1 != b.seq1 {
else {
_ => {
panic!("Tried to sort by {} which is not implemented", which_field);
if reverse_sort {
return sorted;